Friday, February 11, 2011


On February 10th at 7 o'clock p.m. the Upper Valley ATV Club had their first meeting.
It was held at the Madison County Road & Bridge Department, and their were 14 in attendance.
We started the meeting by talking about the grant that is in the process for the trailer for the club.
Also discussed the travel plan for the Challis- Salmon Forest and it was struck down by the Judge.
The Senator from Mountain Home wants to stripe the authortity from the Fish & Game to regulate
where hunters can ride their ATV'S. Then there was the bill 1001 on safety review or roads of
concern. Saftey seminars to train people on ATV's.
We told Dubois District that we help with 60 hrs of man labor.
Then we set up rides for the season. Calendar to follow

any questions about any of this call Larry