Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 20th ride

The ride this week will be Mud Springs area.  Meet at Valley Wide at 8 am
if you do not know the way to Mud Springs area, or you can meet at 8:30 at
the Clements snow mobile parking lot in the Lyman creek area.
Should be mostly forest, but some road travel.  I will lead the ride this time.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 22,2013-The ride

Sorry I am a little slow. The 22nd the Upper Valley ATV Club changed rides. They where going to go to Kepps Crossing and they changed Phototheir other mind and went to Peterson Canyon.PhotoThere was 8 machines and 10 people and we put around 51 miles on the machines. Started at Peterson Canyon and made it up and around Skull Canyon. A enjoyable time was had by all.Photo

Monday, June 3, 2013

Saturday June 8th 2013 ride

Hello Everybody,

The ride Saturday is the Jackpine-Pinochio Loop. It is a begineers ride,, mostly
forest roads
We will meet at the Junction of 33 and 32 at 9:00 a.m. Then travel north
2 to 3 miles to the Arnold's north spud cellars.  For better directions
go north out of Idaho Falls on Highway 20, at Sugar City turn East on Hwy 33
towards Driggs, Victor. As you drop into the basement (Basin) go to the junction
of Hwy 33  and 32 and that is where we will be waiting.

Hope to see you all there
Larry Edwards

Bring a friend

Monday, May 20, 2013

Riding Time is HERE!

Upper Valley ATV/Eagle Rock ATV Association Scheduled Upcoming Rides and Events

   Upper Valley Atv meetings are the 2nd Thursday at 7:00  p.m.

      locations will be annouced

* More Ride Information Such As Meeting Place and Time, *
* Ride Leader and Ride Difficulty Will Be Posted For *
* Upcoming Rides Prior to Each Ride. *

May 25 - Ride - Bear Trap Cave - Upper Valley ATV
- Joe Mortensen will lead this ride.
- Meet at the BLM Fire House in Atomic City at 9:30 AM.
- We will drive to an area out of town to unload.
- Atomic City is located west of Idaho Falls just off Highway 26 about
- 7-8 miles south of the the intersection of Highway 20 and Highway 26.
- This ride is rated Intermediate.
May 28 - ATV / UTV Meeting at Papa Toms 7:00 PM
Jun 1 - Ride - South Fork / Fall Creek / Rash Canyon - ER ATV
Jun 8 - Ride - Jackpine-Pinochle Loop - Upper Valley ATV
Jun 15 - Ride - Inman / Chesterfield / Pebble Creek - ER ATV
- Blake and Meg Allen will lead this ride. Meet at xxxx AM.
- From Idaho Falls go south on Interstate 15.
- Take Exit Number 58 (Inkom) south of Pocatello.
- Proceed to the middle of town and turn left on Main St.
- Head East and South for about 1 mile to Rapid Creek Rd.
- Turn left on Rapid Creek Rd. and go about 2 miles
- until you come to Inman Trail Head. Meet Here.
- This ride is rated Intermediate.
Jun 22 - Ride - Kepps Crossing - Upper Valley ATV
Jun 29 - Ride - Arco / Jump Off Peak / Howe - ER ATV
Jun 25 - ATV / UTV Meeting at Papa Toms 7:00 PM
Jul 6 - Ride - Reclamation Road / Grassy Lake - Upper Valley ATV
Jul 13 - Ride - Packsaddle Lake - ER ATV
Jul 20 - Ride - Mackay - Upper Valley ATV
Jul 23 - ATV / UTV Meeting at Papa Toms 7:00 PM
Jul 27 - Ride - Kilgore - ER ATV
Aug 3 - Ride - Fall Creek - Upper Valley ATV
Aug 10 - Ride- Big Bend Ridge / Bishop Mountain - ER ATV
Aug 16-18 - Ride and Camp - Bayhorse at Challis
- For more information click on the "Ride The Bayhorse" Link
- Under "Links To Useful Information"
Aug 23-25 - Ride and Camp - Rally in the Pines in Island Park
- For more information click on the "Rally In The Pines" Link
- Under "Links To Useful Information"
Aug 27 - ATV / UTV Meeting at Papa Toms 7:00 PM
Aug 31 - Ride - Flagg Ranch / Jackson Lake - ER ATV
Sep 7 - Ride - Eight Mile Canyon - Upper Valley ATV
Sep 14 - Ride - Hahn / Spring Mountain - ER ATV
Sep 20-21 - Ride and Camp - Stoddard Creek - Upper Valley ATV
Sep 24 - ATV / UTV Meeting at Papa Toms 7:00 PM
Sep 28 - Ride - Two Top Mountain / West Yellowstone - ER ATV
Oct 5 - Ride - Mink Creek / Scout Mountain - Upper Valley ATV
Oct 19 - Ride - Centennial Valley - Upper Valley ATV

any questions call Larry  390-3101

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Spring is Coming

Hello Everybody,

The weather is changing and we are probably all itching to go riding.  Except of course Anne & Richard who have been
in Arizonia riding.

Lets have our first meeting March 14th at 7:00 p.m.  Tom and Darla has offered their home for the meeting
so lets meet their. We will discuss rides and maybe setting up an earlier ride as our 1st ride is scheduled for
April 13th at Badger Point.

IF you need to know where Tom & Darla live contact them at 356-5012 or contact me Larry at 390-3101.

Marv from Eagle ROck ATV has sent out some ride invitations as for those who have not recieved the information:

There is a fund raising ride on April 13th by the Treasure Valley Trail Macchine Assn. If you would like more info call
Debbie Garcia  (208) 880-5203

There is also a ride in Kanab, Ut April  26 thru the 28
more info call (435) 689-0706 or email www.UtAzATV.org

Also one in Hells Canyon which is the 4th annual Hells canyon ATV ride
Memorial weekend  May 25 thru the 27th
Questions call (208) 660-89920

Thank you
see you there

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Time to PREPARE for 2013 Riding

Hello Everybody

Happy New Year!

We are going to get together January the 10th at 7:00 here at my place to begin
the planning for the 2013 riding season. Bring your ideas and suggestions and lets get

We will have some munchies and drinks if you want more fill free to bring them.
Bring your better half. Excited to see you all.
If you can not make it please send your ideas to my email and we will use them in planning.

Hope to see you there
Larry   390.3101

if coming from IF way -go to exit by Erickson car sales, turn westand go past Valley Wide
and stay on main road and
go about 3 miles,on south side of road.  yellow house with flag pole in front yard. and old

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sept 22nd 2012 Ride

Sep 22 - Ride - Hahn / Spring Mountain (Upper Valley ATV)   
Joe Mortensen will lead this ride. 
Meet at 9:30 AM on Hi-Way 28 at the Hahn Township sign before the Gilmore Summit. From Idaho Falls go north on Interstate 15.
Turn west on Hi-Way 30 at Sage Junction.
Turn Northwest on Hi-Way 28 at Mud Lake.
Hahn Townsite is about 50 miles from Mud Lake. 
Bring your own hotdogs, buns and whatever for a picnic along the way.
This ride is rated intermediate. 
It will be a great ride   !!!!!
So be there