Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 17, 2011 ride

Just a few went up to Bishop Mtn.  It was a very beautiful, non dusty, pleasant ride. Some of the colors are starting to change and we looked for new trails. Roger and Ron said you missed a fantastic ride.

On October 1st Fred Kotter is going to be the host on the Centennial Trail, if you have any more
rides let us know and we will post them.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 9th ride/ Black Butte, Montana

On Sept 9th, 2011, we had people both from UVA and ER clubs and we put around 85 miles on our machines, some went a little farther. We met at 9:00 at the Valley View gas station in Island Park.  Than we went  and unloaded our machines.  Beautiful country , we also found a side hill with fossils, and some
of use. walked through a creek instead of jumping across. The ride seemed to be enjoyed by all.

Upper Valley ATV Club Meeting - September 8, 2011

Upper Valley ATV Club Meeting - September 8, 2011
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., Larry Edwards conducted.
Agenda Items:
Welcome to attendees.
The next ride will be Black Butte this Saturday, September 10. Larry Edwards
will be the Host. Meet at 9:00 am at the Valley View at the Junction of
Hi-way 20 and 87. It is about a 30 mile ride and fantastic for picture takers
and the view will be one you remember..
Our grant request from the State of Idaho for the utility trailer has been
approved. The club now needs to come up with the trailer specifications and
decide on who will build it for us.
The possibility of having a first aid course was discussed.
Alan Campbell will be attending a Train The Trainer Course for ATV, OHV
and Motor Cycles this weekend.
Upper Valley ATV Assn. scheduled rides. Call Larry Edwards 390-3101 for info.
September 10 - Black Butte
September 17 - Bishop Mountain

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

August Meeting

Upper Valley ATV Club Meeting - August 11, 2011
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., Larry Edwards conducted.
Agenda Items:
Welcome to attendees.
Joe Mortensen reviewed the notes from last meeting.
Richard Roberson discussed the upcoming trail maintenance project
scheduled for August 27. Two cattle guards will be installed in the
Birch Creek / Pass Creek area. One in the Salmon / Challis District
and one in the Dubois District. Meet at the Birch Creek Campground
at 09:00 AM.
The August 20 ride scheduled for Caribou City was changed to
Bannock Pass. Meet at 09:00 AM at the Dubois truck stop.Richard
Roberson will be the host.
The status of our grant request from the State of Idaho was discussed.
It will most likely be approved. The pros and cons of purchasing a
utility trailer for trail maintenance use or having one built locally
were discussed.
Upper Valley ATV Assn. scheduled rides. Call Larry Edwards 390-3101 for info.
August 20 - Bannock Pass
August 27 - Pass Creek Trail Maintenance / Ride
September 10 - Black Butte
September 17 - Bishop Mountain
Eagle Rock ATV Assn. scheduled rides. Call Marvin Guzman 524-7252 for info.
August 13 - Hahn Town Site / Spring Mountain Ride
August 27 - Malad Ride
The next meeting will be on the second Thursday of September - September 8.
Bring a Friend.  

Sunday, August 7, 2011

August 11, 2011

This Thursday is the monthly meeting--August 11, 2011
7:00 p.m. at
Madison County Road & Bridge Shop
by the Transfer Station in Rexburg...
One thing we will discuss is the project for Pass Creek area.
Also Marv Guzman sent us this message if you have not received it
The Idaho Legislature’s ATV Task Force is meeting this coming Tuesday, August 9, 2011, from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. at the State Capitol in Room 20.  Public testimony will be allowed beginning at 11:55 am and then again at 3:20 pm.  The issues to be discussed relate to (1) fish and game regulation of OHVs (morning session) and (2) whether state officers ought to enforce federal road closures (afternoon session).  Information on the task force can be found at this link -  The meeting agenda is attached.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 6th, ride

Everyone come for the Auugust 6th ride
Two Top - Lions Head ride August 6.
Meet at 9:00 at  Big Springs Loop where the old railroad
track (trail 001) crosses the road about two and a half miles
from the turn off on hi-way 20 by Macks Inn.
See ya there!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

July 23rd, 2011 Ride

Saturday the 23rd we met at Valley Wide around 9:00 and we did the Red Butte ride. It was a good ride the the trail from Black Tail to Pine Creek Pass was rough, due to Spring run off.  Marlene would not have liked this ride.......... There was alot of  people out for the 24th weekend, enjoying the trails.  We put about
45 miles on our machines.

July 11 minutes

Upper Valley ATV Club Meeting - July 14, 2011
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., Larry Edwards conducted.
Agenda Items:
Welcome to attendees.

The ride scheduled for July 23 (Copper Canyon) has been canceled. An
alternate ride may be scheduled.
The next scheduled ride will be August 6 (Lions Head and Two Top). More
information on meeting time and place will be forthcoming. Watch your e-mail.

Moroni Burton, Madison County Deputy Sheriff was the guest speaker. He
spoke on search and rescue and what to do to avoid problems when
riding your ATV. The following are some of the issues he emphasized.
- Know your equipment capabilities, limitations and the area you plan on
- Tell someone where you plan on going and what time you expect to return.
- Carry water and appropriate clothing.
- Don't ride alone.
- Take along some bug spray and sun screen.
- If you become lost or disoriented stay put, build a shelter if weather
is bad. Weather, time of day and time of year are factors that
contribute to becoming disoriented.
- Food is not critical, but having granola bars in a zip lock bag is a
good idea. You can use the zip lock bag to keep your cell phone dry.
To become a volunteer with search and rescue you need to fill out an
application with the Sheriffs' Department and have a background check.
Upper Valley ATV Assn.scheduled rides. Call Larry Edwards 390-3101 for info.
August 6 - Lions Head and Two Top
August 20 - Caribou City
September 10 - Black Butte
September 17 - Bishop Mountain
Eagle Rock ATV Assn. scheduled rides. Call Marvin Guzman 524-7252 for info.
July 16 - Eight Mile Canyon Ride
July 30 - Bay Horse Ride
August 13 - Hahn Town Site / Spring Mountain Ride
August 27 - Malad Ride
The next meeting will be on the second Thursday of August - August 11.

Monday, July 11, 2011

July 9th, 2011

We met at Stoddard Creek Campground between 9 am and 9:30 a.m. and then we started on our ride.
We had 11 machines and 1 bike.. It was a beautiful day, but it as a little chilly, we all wore jackets.
Everything was green and we all enjoyed ourselves and  it ended in ice cream.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June 18th ride

Saturday was a great ride ride to the White Sands.  There were only 6 that came but we put around 78 miles on
our machines.  We came within a quarter of a mile from Bishop Mtn fire tower.  Ran into SNOW!

The Eagle Rock Club ride June 25 - Centennial Valley Ride, Host: Fred Kotter

Upper Valley ATV's next meeting is July 14th at the Madison County Road & Bridge.

Next ride is July 9, 2011 - Stoddard Creek, Host: Richard Roberson
     Meet at the Stoddard Creek exit at 9:00

Joe puts the Upper Valley rides on the Eagle Rock web site if you would like to see them .

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Caribou Range Mtns Subsction

Remember to get your comments on the Caribou range Mtns Subsction summer Travel Management Plan

Comment period ends May 31st  Comments can be mailed to

Palisades District office
3659 E Ririe Hwy
Idaho Falls, Id 83401

If you get this in on time you ccan comment on the appeal for the subsequent decisioon under 36 CFR 215.  Include  "Caribou Subsection Travel Plan" in the ssubject line.

May 12 meeting

Better late than never
Upper Valley ATV Club Meeting - May 12, 2011
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., Larry Edwards conducted.
Agenda Items:
Welcome to attendees.
The Camas Creek ride will be Saturday, May 14. Meet at the Clark County - Fremont County line at 10:00 A.M.  on the road to Kilgore (the old Red Road).
Michael Robinson from the Idaho Parks and Recreation led a discussion and answered questions on the Idaho Off-Highway Vehicle Education Requirements for under aged non licensed ATV riders.
Michael Robinson also led a lively discussion of the Proposed Caribou Subsection Travel Routes, Plans A, B and C. Everyone was encouraged to submit comments and suggested alternatives to the Palisades Ranger District, 3659 East Ririe Hwy, Idaho Falls, ID 83401.
The next meeting will be on the second Tuesday of June - June 14.
Bring a Friend.  

Sunday, May 22, 2011

It was a good ride. Nine people and eight machines. Roger took the lead and Koop, the Zollingers, the Powells, the Campbells and I followed. It was, mainly sagebrush out there. We did see a few elk, a few deer and a few sage hens
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May 21 2011--- Big Grassy/red road

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hey Everybody its time

Meeting is this Thursday May 12.  The time is 7:00 p.m. at the Madison County Road & Bridge shop,

Michael Robinson from Idaho Dept of Parks and Rec will be there to show us new information on the travel plans
for the Targhee Forest roads.

Last Saturday we had a training course with Patrick Collins, with wind and rain it was good. We would like to thank Patrick
for did for  he was very good with the kids.

This Saturday there is a ride and it will be discussed also.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

It was dry-----

Looks like a bear .


1st ride was enjoyable by everyone that made it.
Darla, Tom, Koop, Joe,  Roger, Allan & Larry
          It was a Mud  Lake ride ----
       It as a cold breeze but bareable--

They went north of Mud Lake by the boat dock
in the desert. Roger & Larry tried to get them lost.
Than Allan took them around the lake and showed
them some points of interest.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Schedule for 2011 riding

Discussed the tentative ride schedule. The ride schedule is as follows
 and is subject to change. Meeting times and places also may change.

 April 30, 2011 - Mud Lake Ride, Host: Allan Campbell
     Meet at the North Side of the Boat Dock at 9:00
 May 14, 2011 - Camas Creek Ride, Host: Roger Garner
     Meet at Valley Wide in Rexburg at 10:00
 May 21, 2011 - Roller Coaster Ride
     Check blog for further details
 June 4, 2011 - Big Southern Butte, Host: Larry Edwards
     Meet at Pickles at 10:00
 June 18, 2011 - Cave Falls Ride, Host: Richard Roberson
     Meet in Ashton at Big Juds parking lot at 10:00
 July 9, 2011 - Stoddard Creek, Host: Richard Roberson
     Meet at the Stoddard Creek exit at 9:00
 July 23, 2011  - Copper Basin Ride, Host: Kirbi Nelson
     Meet at Darlington at 10:00
 August 6, 2011 - Lions Head and Two Top Ride, Host: Joe Mortensen
     Meet at Big Springs at 9:00
 August 20, 2011 - Caribou City Ride, Host: Richard Koop
     Meet at McCoy Creek at 9:00
 September 10, 20111 - Black Butte Ride, Host: Larry Edwards
     Meet in Ashton at Valley View at 9:00
 September 17, 2011 - Bishop Mountain Ride, Host: Tom Zollinger
     Meet at the Civil Defense Caves


Hey all you ATV enthusiasts our first ride of the season is schudeled for this SATURDAY

April 30th. The ride is in the Desert for anyone that would like to come.

It is the Mud Lake ride  and we will meet at the North Side of the Boat Dock at 9:00 a.m.

But if you do not know where the dock is we could meet at Port of Entry at 8:30

 check the weather and  let us know if  you want to brave the maybe good weather,
please let us know if you are coming

and we let every one know how many want to brave the elements!

Roger & Larry are the hosts

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

View photo.jpg in slide showView photo.jpg in slide showthis is in Hurricane, Ut   .Koop & Fred went down because they have ATV FeverView photo.jpg in slide show  Hurricane, UT                                                       View photo.jpg in slide showView photo.jpg in slide showView IMG_1362.JPG in slide show

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Joining Upper Valley ATV Club

If you  would like more information on the club or rides please call
Larry         356-9104
Allan          390-4911

March 10, 2011

Upper Valley ATV Club Meeting - March 10, 2011
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., Larry Edwards conducted.
Agenda Items:
 Welcome to attendees.

 The Upper Valley ATV club will conduct ATV training on May 7 at
 the Madison County Fairgrounds. More details will be forthcoming.

 Discussed the tentative ride schedule. The ride schedule is as follows
 and is subject to change. Meeting times and places also may change.

 April 30, 2011 - Mud Lake Ride, Host: Allan Campbell
     Meet at the North Side of the Boat Dock at 9:00
 May 14, 2011 - Camas Creek Ride, Host: Roger Garner
     Meet at Valley Wide in Rexburg at 10:00
 May 21, 2011 - Roller Coaster Ride
     Check blog for further details
 June 4, 2011 - Big Southern Butte, Host: Larry Edwards
     Meet at Pickles at 10:00
 June 18, 2011 - Cave Falls Ride, Host: Richard Roberson
     Meet in Ashton at Big Juds parking lot at 10:00
 July 9, 2011 - Stoddard Creek, Host: Richard Roberson
     Meet at the Stoddard Creek exit at 9:00
 July 23, 2011  - Copper Basin Ride, Host: Kirbi Nelson
     Meet at Darlington at 10:00
 August 6, 2011 - Lions Head and Two Top Ride, Host: Joe Mortensen
     Meet at Big Springs at 9:00
 August 20, 2011 - Caribou City Ride, Host: Richard Koop
     Meet at McCoy Creek at 9:00
 September 10, 20111 - Black Butte Ride, Host: Larry Edwards
     Meet in Ashton at Valley View at 9:00
 September 17, 2011 - Bishop Mountain Ride, Host: Tom Zollinger
     Meet at the Civil Defense Caves
 October 15, 2011 - Year End Party
     Time and Place to be announced

 Larry said he called Clark Collins, President of the Idaho State ATV
 Association (ISATVA), and told him we supported his lobbying effort
 to keep trails open etc.

 Richard Roberson reported that our grant request had made the first cut
 and that selections will be finalized the last of April / first of May.

 There was a discussion about buying or building a trailer to be used
 on trail maintenance / work projects. Some members to report back on
 options next meeting.

 Upper Valley ATV Club has committed to do 60 man hours of trail
 maintenance for the Forest Service.

 The next meeting will be on the second Tuesday of April - April 14
 Bring a Friend.  

Friday, February 11, 2011


On February 10th at 7 o'clock p.m. the Upper Valley ATV Club had their first meeting.
It was held at the Madison County Road & Bridge Department, and their were 14 in attendance.
We started the meeting by talking about the grant that is in the process for the trailer for the club.
Also discussed the travel plan for the Challis- Salmon Forest and it was struck down by the Judge.
The Senator from Mountain Home wants to stripe the authortity from the Fish & Game to regulate
where hunters can ride their ATV'S. Then there was the bill 1001 on safety review or roads of
concern. Saftey seminars to train people on ATV's.
We told Dubois District that we help with 60 hrs of man labor.
Then we set up rides for the season. Calendar to follow

any questions about any of this call Larry

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Exciting NEWS for ATV's

Just to let everybody know, Richard & Cindy Roberson have been working on getting a grant with the Idaho Park & Recreation through the Recreational Trails program or (RTP).  If we are a recipient of this grant our club will use the money to purchase  a trailer that we can use to haul materials, supplies, and tools into locations for volunteer work projects that our club will be doing on the motorized trail systems in conjection with the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management.  If any of you are wanting a copyof this grant, please call Richard or Cindy and they will mail you a copy.