Sunday, March 3, 2013

Spring is Coming

Hello Everybody,

The weather is changing and we are probably all itching to go riding.  Except of course Anne & Richard who have been
in Arizonia riding.

Lets have our first meeting March 14th at 7:00 p.m.  Tom and Darla has offered their home for the meeting
so lets meet their. We will discuss rides and maybe setting up an earlier ride as our 1st ride is scheduled for
April 13th at Badger Point.

IF you need to know where Tom & Darla live contact them at 356-5012 or contact me Larry at 390-3101.

Marv from Eagle ROck ATV has sent out some ride invitations as for those who have not recieved the information:

There is a fund raising ride on April 13th by the Treasure Valley Trail Macchine Assn. If you would like more info call
Debbie Garcia  (208) 880-5203

There is also a ride in Kanab, Ut April  26 thru the 28
more info call (435) 689-0706 or email

Also one in Hells Canyon which is the 4th annual Hells canyon ATV ride
Memorial weekend  May 25 thru the 27th
Questions call (208) 660-89920

Thank you
see you there